Monday, February 25, 2008

Listen Up Maryland GOP!

Looking to find a way to win in the next decade or two? Wanting to break into the Democrats' stranglehold on the poor state of Maryland?

Read this article about Latinas growing up in Montgomery County. If we as Republicans can't target this group we have failed as a party.

These people are cultural conservative and work hard. The message of limited government and patriotism should win them over. But we have to make an effort!

From the article:

Marina didn’t speak English when she immigrated to the U.S. in 2005 to live with her father.

‘‘It was hard for me when I came to the U.S. because I had never been here before and I had not lived with him in a long time and for me it was going to be a new life,” Marina said.

Marina’s story is similar to that of other Latino teenagers whose families came to the U.S. in search of a better life.

In just a few years, the bubbly teenager has learned to speak fluent English with the rapid clip of an American high schooler and she has embraced her new country.

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